NW: as a feminist, that I am distraught by this miscarriage of justice is that you can't -- you're not respecting women by casting them as unable to assert to what they want, unwilling, to speak about what they wish.
JF: Those women did not consent. If she was consenting, he had no need to hold her down. A woman in her sleep cannot consent to sex. Consent is not a light switch. Just because you consented to one sexual activity, say, taking your clothes off with someone does not mean you consented to all sexual activities. That's perposterious.
Debate extendido Parte II:
JF: So if you initiate sex with a sleeping person, you are sexually assaulting them and that is perfect clear. It is totally ... whether or not you've slept with them, even if you are naked in the bed with them. COnsent is not a lightswitch. If I say yes to sex with you, it doesn't mean I'd say yes to sex with you forever under all circumstnaces, it doesn't mean you have permission to do whatever you want with my body, so let's be very, very clear.
NW: For feminism to be successful, it is not about giving women home court advantage, it is about justice. It is so important that the rule of law operates impartially. So just bear with me. Do you agree that men or anyone who is the sexaul intiator, because, of course, men can get raped, women can engage in unwelcome or non-consensual advances. Do you agree that men deserve to know when something is not consensual?... You know with all due respect you have got to read this. He held a down-- I have been held down by my lovers--I held them down as we were consensually negoating--
Transcript of Wolf vs Friedman: Feminists Debate the Sexual Allegations Parte I transcrito por usuari@ troubleinchina - http://troubleinchina.livejournal.com/608029.html
Assange Beseiged por Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett - http://www.counterpunch.org/shamir09142010.html