lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

CEREBRIDAD | Daniel Pommers

Cerebro según la Fábrica de Andrés Vesalio

as the poems go into the thousands you
realize that you've created very
Charles Bukowski, As The Poems Go

Hablo y estás conmigo
en el mismo barco cero
hablo con los brazos atornillados
siendo un salvaje más de la isla
un brujo que se mira goteando sangre
la sangre que puede ser obscena y es contigo
que a veces porta una sola médula y es mal oliente
porque así es la sangre a veces
es última // especie // descompuesta
y aunque estés vivo y te ahogues
y los muertos en ti sean muertos torpes
comelones de una grasa sanjuanera que nos embruja
son así porque militan en días festivos sin estrella, sin pájaro lucífugo
y son en esos violentos gremios donde andan mirándose: anidando en ti:
ese es el trabajo de los difuntos: enamorarse de nosotros
de los espacios tontos, de las llagas simples en nuestro seso.

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

PALACIO EN OTRO | Daniel Pommers

En mis sueños huyo de un corcel con sarna.
Aparece como una epidemia, como algo podrido
como un ser huérfano de humanidad. . . Sé que es una rata
(que muerde y que me busca y que no descansa);
sé que es el emperador de los ejércitos innombrables
sé que debo esconderme porque ando perdido en su palacio
lo sé porque viene espumado y se acerca desbocado hacia mí:
y de repente puedo sentirlo rabioso hundiendo sus dientes en mi espalda.
Lo veo correr mientras huyo pensando que es un diablo, que es puramente bello:
es perfecto, todo lo que conozco de mis sueños lo hace suyo, se come mis pies;
él, el emperador de las noches, nunca descansa, no puede entrar en su morada.
Así vigila el palacio de los misterios: provocando un horror que solo los muertos entienden, algunos muertos se entienden nuestros pues olvidaron su miedo.
El corcel sangra brea por el hocico porque está protegiéndose,
no busca ser jefe de maldiciones ni darle asilo a los intrusos;
labora merodeando los jardines de su reino y se escapa de mí, está herido,
no se atreve a comer de los frutos que él mismo ha sembrado 
solamente viene a mí para ahuyentarme, entonces lo recuerdo, él se protege
del apetito
de los vagabundos
de la gente sin nombre   
así como yo.

Un Encuentro Immoral | Medulla Oblongatta

Un encuentro immoral

Ya estoy llegando, te desenterrare, me arrodillo ante tu presencia, en mis abrazos te acobijo, tus labios podridos besare, mientras, acaricio tus costillas rodeadas por gusanos y cienpies. Te cargo en mis brazos caminando en oscuras calles donde la luna nos guia entre la niebla y arboledas; llegamos. Aqui en este terreno podras descansar como reina, te construire un panteon de flores, enrredaderas, moscas, serpientes, ranas, y alima~as. Ellas protegeran tu sue~o eterno. Dia a Dia vendre' a visitarte y a la luz de la luna llena nos unificaremos en vida y muerte.

NON-Existence vs Existence vs Expiration February 28, 2014

NON-Existence vs Existence vs Expiration

(Medulla Oblongatta)

February 28, 2014 at 7:44am
I might sound fatalist but that's what I am; peolpe shouldn't have babies so they can go back to their childhood and make it better. That is another creature,  not you.
Parents shoudn't steal the non-existence from their babies.
NON-Existence sounds better than LIFE, because we're NOT living we are dying, but WE do Exist. So NON-existence and Existence CAN be explained rationally amongst the searchers of dreams and coherence. Logical explanations about non-existence:"I created you therefore you never existed before I brought your existence to expire"

even through the process of NON-EXISTENCE->EXISTENCE->EXPIRATION
when we look into it YES, humans are products, yes we have labels to obey, we are all bound to our date of birth, which was the day we died. We died from our Non-Existence and transferred or transported into Existence. within the existence realm lies many EX-NON-Existencees, those who have forgotten were was they came from. Existencees, have only one purpose, to forget. In the Existencee's realm other Existencees have made it "real" to make false memories and to create non-relative existent bodies(what you would call plastic surgery). going forward through this process, you may "feel". Indoctrination is the only truth!. reality is indoctrination, just as religion, the law, government documents, constitutions, flags, world leaders. They are all simple servants of the ones called the Organizers.This group is the one in charged of all existencees daily expirations. why do you think everyday people kill each other? in this universe expiration or to have another person make you expire is the control that The Organizers have. Why do you see only mid and low class killing each other? gangs, colors(clothing), segregated areas. people who sing about "the 'hood"? these are slaves to The Organizers. You have never seen rich people like gang members, shooting each other? NOT like gang members, turf wars but we got wars between countries! and there we see that The Organizers, the pwerful, they look alike these small gangs. They all unite "allies" to pick on small countries, which is a type of BULLYING. Bullying other countries for their natural resources SHOULD STOP!

Expiration comes when you've done all that you could that keep your Existence from DESIST. DESISTENCE is the reason existencees wait for, and a right.

those who are non-relative existent are going against nature, and there's nothing much stronger, not even The Organizers.

think it over science fiction has always existed. we're not to far from being erased. Countries battle each other for wealth, resources, they lie to us, newspapers, journos, all these plague, ALL those who work in the MEDIA, these are all A.Is created by The Organizers. you want to be part of a controlled society, go join them.

To Become is to erase one's self-Medulla Medulla Oblongatta

millions want to become what magazines tell them, they want to have it all:
clothing, shoes, cars, houses, tennis courts, golf courses, many gadgets. they change their skins to BECOME TV, to BECOME, radio, TO BECOME BEAUTIFUL.

Beautiful is just another word for Dystopia, TOTALITARISM!

IF you aren't alike, YOU MUST BECOME!

UGLINESS is the revolution, we who still are against all perfection, ALL Belonging and acceptance.

The PLOT to this is, DECAPITATE yourself from these type, THE NON-RELATIVE EXISTENT!